"Human rebellion ends in a metaphysical revolution. It progresses from appearances to acts, from the dandy to the revolutionary."
~ Albert Camus
A lesson in pot-stirring...
I can’t help myself. Sometimes I just like to watch the Chaos.
When I was younger, this tended to be exemplified by the viewing or creation of drama. When it was obvious to my family that I was merely interjecting my thoughts/actions into a scenario in order to manifest chaos the conversation usually went like this:
Parental: “Michael De Vivo, why did you do that?”
Me: “I was curious what would happen!”
Parental: “This is not the time and place to stir the pot, Michael!”
Me: “Oh.”
Luckily as I’ve grown older (and wiser?) I try to only stir the pot when I believe I’m serving the greater good.
Who knows, this could merely be my own way of rebelling against the norm. Although, I’m pretty sure this urge is not just relegated to my own sense of glee.
Currently speaking, I probably have a handful of habits that I can identify as quiet rebellions against the norm. And yes, I promise, these rebellions do actually have a purpose.
So why am I writing this? To stir the pot a bit, of course. We all have rebellions going on in our lives. Some more justifiable than others. If you’re reading this, and thinking to yourself: “That pot needs to be stirred again.” Today, I encourage you to do so.
VIVO la Revolucion!
Rebelling against the norm does take courage, and courage takes energy. So, much like strength training, I suggest the proper progressions.
Below are some examples of ways to hone your rebel strength and build a strong "pot-stirring" foundation. They may seem silly, but remember, it's not the act that's important, it's the practice.
Practice rebelling a little every day, with the right intentions, and you'll be more likely to have the courage to do so when it really matters.
Rebel Example "Exercises"
- Wear bright colors
- Take a cold shower (not lukeworm, cold)
- Talk to strangers (smile at strangers if that's too scary)
- Make eye contact with strangers ("see above")
- Say yes to something that scares you
- Walk barefoot somewhere people can see you
- Handstand in random places
- Take the stairs instead of the escalator
- Walk backwards in public
- Fast for a few random days
- Wear cold clothes on a warm day or vice versa
- Wear an article of clothing backwards
- Say no to something comfortable
Finally, if you choose to do so, the image below is a hint into my guiding philosophy for pot stirring:
Below are some examples of ways to hone your rebel strength and build a strong "pot-stirring" foundation. They may seem silly, but remember, it's not the act that's important, it's the practice.
Practice rebelling a little every day, with the right intentions, and you'll be more likely to have the courage to do so when it really matters.
Rebel Example "Exercises"
- Wear bright colors
- Take a cold shower (not lukeworm, cold)
- Talk to strangers (smile at strangers if that's too scary)
- Make eye contact with strangers ("see above")
- Say yes to something that scares you
- Walk barefoot somewhere people can see you
- Handstand in random places
- Take the stairs instead of the escalator
- Walk backwards in public
- Fast for a few random days
- Wear cold clothes on a warm day or vice versa
- Wear an article of clothing backwards
- Say no to something comfortable
Finally, if you choose to do so, the image below is a hint into my guiding philosophy for pot stirring: