The Idea...
You know how sometimes you have these ideas that are hanging around on the outskirts of your mind and you can’t quite grasp what they are?
I’ve been feeling that way lately about what my opinion is of working out/exercising.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to work out. Especially in the right environment. I love lifting heavy weights, listening to Disturbed, and sweating it out. At least I did before I had a baby. I haven’t gotten back into that kind of lifting yet since becoming a mom.
We evolved to move
But what if part of the reason so many people struggle to get into a routine going to the gym and “working out” is because it is completely unnatural?
At VIVO Training Systems, we tend to gravitate towards the more evolutional when it comes to ideology. Except for the smart phone technology… I know, I know, so hypocritical. But you have to pick your battles.
The question is the answer
The question I have been asking myself is this: How can we help people move and become more healthy (or achieve their physical goals of weight loss or strength etc) in a way that is fun and sustainable?
I am even struggling with this myself. I have one scheduled workout a week and that is all that I have been doing as far as exercise goes. At least as far as structured exercise goes…
Is there another way?
Writing a workout program for a recent client has got me thinking about the possibility of other options.
Let’s think about this for a minute: what are the real goals behind most workout programs?
- To lose weight
- To gain mobility/flexiblity
- To get stronger
- To prevent injury
What if instead of just writing workout programs for people, we wrote lifestyle’s? In a way that they could achieve results without ever stepping in a gym?
A possible gold standard
The nutrition program that we are just starting to offer at VTS is all about the big picture. They don’t just give you a list of meals to eat, they help you with your eating habits, they help you with your environment, they help you with your support system, so much more than just a list of foods.
And yet we write workout programs for people that are really just a list of exercises. And don’t get me wrong, many people see awesome results with our programs. And there is nothing wrong with that.
But what if there was another way?
Thinking Outside the App
Sometimes I think we are a little too attached to our workout program App. It almost defines us as a company.
I’m thinking I need to start thinking outside the App so to speak.
Facebook is great but it is very limiting as well.
It’s all about the delivery...
How could I develop and deliver a lifestyle to people? Well the writing/development is the easy part, time consuming, but the logistics aren’t hard.
The delivery of this lifestyle would be the hard part.